Top 10 Most Violent Prisons in the World

8. Gitarama Central Prison, Rwanda


Gitarama Central Prison is located in Rwanda and known around the world as one of the worst prisons to be inside of. The conditions here are so bad that some prisoners resort to eating each others flesh just to stay alive themselves and the jail is so horrendously overpopulated that prisoners cannot sit or lie down because there is no space.  So they stand, four to a square yard, in the muddy central courtyard. It takes hours to reach the latrines, or the cooking fires where they eat.

There is no protection against the daily downpours, and many of the prisoners’ bare feet are rotting from gangrene. Every day 5 to 10 die and many more are taken to a local hospital with pneumonia and dysentery. Many prisoners who have been incarcerated in it describe it as ‘hell on earth’ .

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