Top 10 Fruits That Can Kill You

8. Ackee


Ackee fruit is known for its toxic content named hypoglycin A and B. Unripe ackee or its pods or seeds can make you ill within 2 to 12 hours after consuming it.

Without immediate supportive care, death can result. Therefore, whenever you want to eat ackee choose only ripe ackee. When ackee fruit ripe, its protective pods turn red and open naturally.

7. Star Fruit

Star Fruit

Starfruit is a delicious and nutritious fruit choice for most of the people, but for people suffering from kidney failure, kidney stones, or those under kidney dialysis treatment have to avoid eating this fruit.

The fruit contains a deadly neurotoxin caramboxin that can have adverse effects on the body’s nerves and brain.  People with normal kidneys can process and pass this toxin out from their body. However, for those with kidney disease, this is not possible. The toxin stays in the body and causes serious illness.

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