Top 10 Fruits That Can Kill You

6. Pangium Edule Fruit

Pangium Edule Fruit

Pangium edule tree produces a large poisonous fruit which contain hydrogen cyanide and are deadly poisonous if consumed without prior preparation.

Some of the symptoms of pangium edule fruit poisoning include coma, headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, confusion and weakness. Consumption of high levels of pangium edule fruit can result in cardiac arrest or even death.

5. European Spindle Fruit

European Spindle tree

European Spindle tree berries contain toxic cardiac glycosides and alkaloids.  If you ingest their seeds then you may suffer from extreme and excessive stomach pain. Some of the other symptoms of spindle tree poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting, stimulation of the heart and, in more severe cases, hallucination and loss of consciousness. In one fatal recorded case, a child had blood-stained diarrhea and convulsions before death.

So never try to ingest spindle seeds unless you’re looking to clear your stomach and experience extreme pain.

4. Yew Berry

Yew Berry

All parts of the Yew Berry Tree are poisonous, with the exception of the bright red arils. The black seeds inside them should not be eaten as they contain the highly poisonous taxon alkaloids.

Symptoms of yew poisoning include an accelerated heart rate, muscle tremors, convulsions, collapse, difficulty breathing, circulation impairment and eventually cardiac arrest. Fatal poisoning in humans is very rare, usually occurring after consuming yew foliage. The leaves are more toxic than the seed.

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